SERMOS 32, S.L., a Spanish company with registered office in Calle Alcalá no. 73, 7ºA, Postal Code 28009, Madrid, Tax Identification Code B-84211176, and registered with the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 20,881, Book 0, Record 52, section 8, Sheet M-370175, 1st entry
Contact details are as follows:
E-mail: [email protected]
With the purpose of informing all website Users about the conditions of use of said website, its holder makes this document available to all Users.
SERMOS 32, S.L., shall be solely liable for the website, and makes this document available to all users so as to comply with the obligations set out in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and eCommerce (LSSI-CE, as per the Spanish acronym), as well as to inform all website users about its terms of use. The contents of the website are intended to provide information about the different activities, products and services of the professional football player Sergio Ramos. SERMOS 32, S.L. wishes to state that any person accessing this website assumes the role of user (hereinafter, the “User” individually, and the “Users” in plural), which implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions set forth herein, which implies that the User undertakes to strictly observe and comply therewith, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. SERMOS 32, S.L. provides the contents of its website in good faith and makes its best effort to ensure that they are continuously updated and relevant; nevertheless, SERMOS 32, S.L. cannot be held liable for the use or access the Users make of the site beyond its intended purpose, which is the ultimate responsibility of the User.
SERMOS 32, S.L. cannot control the use of the website in a manner other than the one foreseen in this Legal Notice; consequently, access to the website and proper use of the information contained therein are the sole responsibility of the person performing such actions; therefore, SERMOS 32, S.L. shall not be held liable for any improper, illegal or negligent use of the website on the part of the User, nor shall it be held liable for any knowledge unauthorised third parties may have on the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances regarding the use Users may make of the website and of the services. Likewise, SERMOS 32, S.L. shall not be held liable for any manner of damages arising as a consequence of the impersonation of a third party by a User in any type of communication made through the website.
SERMOS 32, S.L. undertakes to apply all necessary measures to guarantee the User that its website shall be free from viruses, worms, trojans and similar elements. However, these measures are not flawless and therefore they cannot fully guarantee the non-existence of said harmful elements. As a consequence, SERMOS 32, S.L. shall not be held liable for the damages such elements may cause the User.
SERMOS 32, S.L. reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website in order to update, correct, add and/or eliminate the contents of the website or its design, without there being any obligation to give prior notice or inform Users of these obligations, with publication on the website being understood to be sufficient, and SERMOS 32, S.L. shall not be liable for any damage that these modifications may cause Users. The contents and services of the website are regularly updated. Since the updating of information is not immediate, Users are suggested to check at all times the validity and accuracy of the information, services and contents included on the website. Likewise, the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice may vary, so we invite you to read these terms every time you visit the website.
The holder shall be held harmless from any liability that may arise from the information published on its website, as long as such information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party. The same exemption shall apply in the event that a certain content of the website could eventually redirect to the contents of third-party websites since the holder is unable to control the contents a third party may publish on websites held by such third-party. In any case, the holder of this website states that it shall immediately eliminate any content that breaches or may breach any national or international regulation applicable at any given moment, as well as the most elementary public order and moral standards by immediately eliminating the corresponding link and reporting as appropriate the relevant content to the competent authorities.
The website may use cookies (small information files the server sends to the computer of those accessing the website so as to facilitate faster access to the selected website on the User’s computer) in order to carry out certain functions deemed essential for the proper operation and browsing of the website. Cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary and their only purpose is making more efficient the information’s onward transmission and they disappear once the session of the User ends. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information or to extract information from the user’s computer, or determine where it is located. If, in spite of that, the User does not wish for cookies to be installed on their hard drive, the User us kindly requested to configure their browser so as not to receive them. However, it is hereby stated that, in such cases, the operational quality of the website may decrease.
SERMOS 32, S.L. may provide access to other websites we may deem interesting for the User. The sole purpose of such links is to facilitate the search for resources on the internet which the User may find interesting. Nevertheless, these sites do not belong to SERMOS 32, S.L., nor does it perform any revision of their content, and therefore, at no time can SERMOS 32, S.L. be considered responsible for them, the functioning of linked sites or any possible harm that may arise as a result of their access or use. This website has been reviewed and tested to guarantee its proper and permanent functioning. SERMOS 32, S.L. will endeavour to ensure that the site does not suffer interruptions during its 365 days a year, 24 hours a day of operation, but cannot guarantee the absence of technological failures, nor the permanent availability of the website and the services contained therein and/or the possibility that there are certain programming errors, or that instances of force majeure make access impossible. Consequently, the holder shall be held harmless from any kind of liability arising from technical or other issues (such as force majeure events, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances) that may prevent or hinder access to the website.
The use of this website as well as the subdomains and/or directories is subject to these provisions. Therefore, before using the website, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice. Likewise, the use of the website is also subject to any warnings, use regulations and instructions communicated to the User by SERMOS 32, S.L. which may replace, complement and/or amend these provisions. The mere use of this website shall be deemed as the unreserved acceptance of these provisions by the User.
Therefore, if the User does not agree with the provisions contained in this Legal Notice, the User is requested not to use the website, since any use of the website or of its services and contents shall entail the acceptance of the legal texts contained herein.
The User undertakes to use the website in compliance with the terms set out in this Legal Notice, being liable for its proper use. Additionally, the User undertakes not to use the website for the provision of services, performance of advertising activities or trading operations.
The User undertakes not to use the website and the services offered on the website or through the website for the carrying out of activities which may contravene the law, moral standards, public order or the interests of third parties or any actions that may otherwise damage, overload, render useless, hinder or prevent the normal use of the website, and the User shall be solely and exclusively liable in the event of such an occurrence.
SERMOS 32, S.L. expressly forbids the use of framing or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that may alter the design, original settings or contents of its website.
Anyone sending communications to this website or to its owners shall be held liable for the contents of said communications, as well as of their veracity and accuracy; therefore, SERMOS 32, S.L. shall not be held liable for the information and contents introduced by third parties. Likewise, SERMOS 32, S.L. shall not be responsible for the information and contents published, without limitation, on forums, chat rooms, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish contents in an independent manner on the website However, in compliance with the provisions of Art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, SERMOS 32, S.L. makes itself available to all Users, authorities and security forces and undertakes to actively collaborate in the elimination or, as the case might be, blocking of all content that may affect or breach any national or international regulations, third-party rights or public order and moral standards. In the event that any User considers that the website includes any content that may fall into the previously mentioned classification, they are requested to immediately notify so to the website administrator.
Any User acting against the image, good name and reputation of SERMOS 32, S.L. and/or Sergio Ramos, as well as anyone who illegally or fraudulently uses the designs, logos or contents of the Site and/or violates in any way the intellectual and industrial property rights of the website or its contents and services, shall be liable to SERMOS 32, S.L. for their actions. For the purposes set out herein, the term ‘contents’ shall refer to, without limitation, the texts, photographs, charts, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audio-visual or sound contents, as well as its graphic design and source code. In particular, the User, among others, undertakes not to:
The partial or total reproduction, distribution, use, exploitation or marketing of any contents published on this website shall be forbidden without the prior written approval of its holder. Therefore, any unauthorised use shall be deemed to be a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights. At no time shall it be construed that using or accessing the Website and/or its services shall confer to the User any right whatsoever over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs.
This website, including all the elements necessary for its operation, whether programming, editing or other similar elements, without limitation: designs, creations and montages and logos; photographs and photographic montages; videos and audio-visual montages; melodies; texts and/or graphics are the property of the owner.
For the submission of any kind of remark regarding any possible breach of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as on any of the contents of the website, you may use the following e-mail address: [email protected]
All contents of the website are duly protected by means of the relevant intellectual and industrial rights regulations.
The holder reserves the right to amend unilaterally at any time and without any prior notice these terms of use of the website, as well as the services contained therein and the conditions required for their use, and in particular in order to comply with any new provisions or regulations applicable and/or to enhance the use of the website by the User. Any amendment in the use of the website shall be duly incorporated into this document. The provision of the website service and other services offered therein applies, in principle, indefinitely. However, SERMOS 32, S.L. may terminate or cancel the provisions of the service of the website and/or any of the services at any time. For such purpose, SERMOS 32, S.L. shall communicate said circumstance on the access page to the service with a prior notice of fifteen (15) days.
SERMOS 32, S.L. undertakes to comply with and respect Community legislation on the protection of personal data and ensures full compliance with the obligations established in Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and other applicable data protection legislation.
The User is hereby informed and grants their consent for the incorporation of their personal data to the databased of SERMOS 32, S.L. and the automated processing of such data. SERMOS 32, S.L. guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the clients or Users and its automated processing in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.
Likewise, the User is informed that, in accordance with the rights conferred by current data protection legislation, they may request the data controller to grant the data subject access to the personal data, to rectify or delete them, or to restrict their processing, or to oppose their processing, as well as the right to the portability of the data, by sending a request to the postal address indicated above or to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
You can also contact the relevant Supervisory Authority to present a complaint if you consider that your data protection rights are being infringed.
SERMOS 32, S.L. offers in the Privacy Policy of this Site all the information relating to the processing of personal data carried out.
These website terms of use are governed by Spanish legislation applicable at any given time.
For the settlement of any disputes or questions related to this website or the activities carried out therein that may arise, Spanish legislation shall apply, to which the parties expressly submit themselves. The Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid shall be competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising from or related to its use, thus waiving the jurisdiction of any forums that may have been applicable.