The Person
A lot of people recognize me, know my name and even my shirt number, but very few really know me. Sergio Ramos is a boy from Camas whose family means everything to him and I have a huge drive to learn about everything that enriches me. Here are a few keys.

There weren’t parents, kids, siblings, uncles or grandparents at home, there was one big family. We were everything to everybody and we were always there for everyone. That way of viewing life, as a gang, with pride of belonging, has always been in my blood and in my soul. That’s why now that I am a husband and a father of four boys, I share everything with them. With them and with my parents, my siblings, my cousins and my aunties and uncles. Because family is everything.

When we talk about lifestyle, we may be referring to the superficial or inner life. I will mention what governs my life: physical training, food and sleep.
Those are the three core areas that shape my daily life and have let me get to where I am today.

I have always been very curious and restless. I’ve always loved reading, learning, listening and discovering. That’s why I never have any free time; I never get bored.
You already know about my passion for horses. That started when I was a kid and I have been lucky enough to make it into something more: a business run by professionals that brings me great joy.
I have a passion for music too. Besides dabbling and playing around with music, the only way I can imagine living life is with a soundtrack. There is always a perfect song for every moment.
Another of my big loves and pleasures that I have been developing is art. Thanks to my profession, I’ve had the chance to meet great artists and learn about their techniques, as well as their visions, inspiration, messages…